Artist and Painter
living and working in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
The understanding that the human and society are one of the smallest components of the Universe was created in my mind many years ago. Mongolia has its great specific.
I like to travel to the Mongolian steppe, mountain ridges and great Gobi and to see how nature’s beauty combines with the simple travelling cattle-breeders’ existence. In another word, I like nature very much.
Up to now, as Mongolia was socialist country, its deep influence of ideology has closed people’s free thinking. I’m satisfied that now this situation has already finished and every painter can express his opinion.
I think that the goals of my artwork should be oriented to the combination of nature, human and animal life’s connections, their meaning or sense and all abstract conceptions.
One of the important factors which is influencing my artwork is Buddist philosophy and its doctrines. Mongolians have been respecting Budda for many hundred years. That’s why Mongolians have being deeply connected with it.
Also my many years of studying European art technique and methods influences my activity.
My work usually consists of the themes of space, natural phenomena, water, air, ladies’ figure, animals, dog, Mongolian ancient life style, symbols, etc.